Alcoholics Anonymous Opalite Pendant - "Surrender"
Ferris Arts
Regular price $20.00
Alcoholics Anonymous Quartz Crystal Pendant - "Focus & Clarity"
Alcoholics Anonymous Rose Quartz Pendant - "Relationships & Love"
Alcoholics Anonymous Onyx Pendant - "Perception and Perspective"
Alcoholics Anonymous Blue Goldstone Pendant - "Open-Mindedness"
Alcoholics Anonymous Blue Goldstone Pendant - "Open-mindedness"
Alcoholics Anonymous Amethyst Pendant - "Spirituality"
Alcoholics Anonymous Lapis Lazuli Pendant - "Willingness"
Alcoholics Anonymous Hematite and Titanium Pendant - "Protection & Guidance"
Alcoholics Anonymous Quartz Crystal and Titanium Pendant - "Awareness and Acceptance"
Alcoholics Anonymous Turquoise Magnesite Pendant - "Wisdom"
Alcoholics Anonymous - "Higher Power" Multi colored African beads stretch bracelet - "You are loved"
Regular price $10.00
Alcoholics Anonymous - "Higher Power" Ocean colored Czech beads stretch bracelet - "You are loved"
Alcoholics Anonymous - Blue Green Czech beads stretch bracelet - "You are loved"
Alcoholics Anonymous - Green Czech beads stretch bracelet - "You are loved"
Regular price $8.95
Alcoholics Anonymous - "Higher Power" Pink colored Czech beads stretch bracelet - "You are loved"